
Reading Week Programs – Fall 2017

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The school year has just begun but it’s already time for Reading Week. If you’re searching for fun activities to do or want to take a break from studying, the University of Toronto Scarborough has just the right things to offer. From horseback riding to community service – check out what’s happening during Reading Week:

Academic Advising & Career Centre will hold a number of workshops that will help students to enhance their study skills, improve their resumes and network with their peers, U of T alumni and various business recruiters. The topics will cover everything from personal online branding to improving academic skills to finding job opportunities. Details: http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/aacc/aacc-calendar

Health & Wellness Centre invites students to participate in a series of events that will improve mental health and will help them to de-stress. Students will learn about the relationship between their thoughts, feelings and behaviours and will obtain new coping strategies for stress and well-being. These sessions will provide techniques on reducing stress and managing difficult emotions:

  • Mood Matters session, held on October 9 from 3-4 p.m. at SL270.
  • Self-Compassion session, held on October 10 from 12-1 p.m. at SL270.
  • Mind and Body Strength session, held on October 11 from 3-4 p.m. at TPASC Lead.
  • Relaxation and Meditation session, held on October 12 from 3-4 p.m. at SL279.

To register for a session visit: http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/hwc/health-wellness-events-calendar

Athletics & Recreation organizes a trip to the Pleasure Valley in the Durham Forest, where students will spend the day horseback riding, hiking, playing volleyball and participating in other activities outside. This program is offered to both registered and non-registered students. To register visit: http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/athletics/outdoor-recreation

The Department of Student Life & International Student Centre offers Alternative Reading Week programs where students spend time in their community, acquire leadership skills and meet community leaders. Programs include:

  • Volunteering at community gardens
  • Partaking in therapeutic program development for dementia patients
  • Assisting at food and clothing banks
  • Helping with afterschool programs at youth agencies and development services

More information: http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/studentlife/alternative-reading-week

This article originally appeared on the UTSC Department of Student Affairs website.

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