HMCS Yellowknife supports Canadian Coast Guard in wreck survey

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The Royal Canadian Navy and the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) successfully assessed several well-known shipwrecks around Vancouver Island.

HMCS Yellowknife supported three members of the Fleet Diving Unit (Pacific) (FDU(P)) and two CCG personnel in locating and surveying two wrecked vessels for potential environmental damage to the Island’s west coast Oct. 3-7.

“The mission objectives were met; the CCG team could make an educated assessment of the Vanlene wreck, and, as a bonus, we verified the containment measures on Motor Vessel (MV) Scheidyk were intact,” said Chief Petty Officer Second Class (CPO2) Craig Elliott, Sea Bed Intervention Systems Chief at FDU(P).

See the full story at the Lookout!

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